Thankyou to our Headline Sponsors above

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to our readers

On behalf of our editorial and tech team at Primary Health Net Ltd publishing Opchat News and Mylocaloptician as well as our Find My Optician Classified Professional Directory we would like to express our sincere wishes for a Happy Holiday and a successful 2025.

We have seen growth in our readership this year on both sites and our Optical Practice Directory now receives over 3000 visits each month from organic searches from the public.

We aim to improve the ability of optical, hearing and other interested parties to market their products in the New Year to this ever increasing public interest in finding an appropriate optical practice to contact.

Make a resolution to check your practices entry details HERE.

You can apply to us from the page to gain access to add or improve or amend your practice details from the page and make adjustments in your own time.

The last 2024 emailed News Link enews will be sent out to over 4000 registered to receive it tomorrow Friday 13th December. The enews allows you to catch up on any news you might have missed in the previous 14 days.

The next enews will be sent on 10th January 2025. Let your colleagues know of this service. They can order for free by filling in the form on the bottom of the home page on Opchat News and have it delivered by email for free.

In the next weeks we will be heavily focussing on the 100% Preview Pages and look forward to receiving content from exhibitors.

Once again thank you for your support in 2024. 

Bob Hutchinson CEO and Editor for PHN 


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