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Volunteers urged to consider VCHP in 2025

Volunteers urged to consider VCHP in 2025




Chair of VCHP Elaine Styles is urging the profession to get behind the charity in 2025 and put a few hours aside each month for volunteering –

“We have ambitious plans for the growth of our service.  There is a bleak outlook for many people in the year ahead, and we are here to do whatever we can to make life easier for people in terms of restoring their sight wherever possible. Crisis is reporting an 8% increase in homelessness during the past year, with more and more people seeking help.  Our service is highly-valued and we want to reach an even greater number of people in the months ahead.”



Birmingham volunteer Clinic Manager, Claire Wier, FBDO, has been working at the Sifa Fireside centre for the past three years and finds it very enriching –

“There is no pressure to sell anything. It really goes to the grass roots of why we went into optics – to help people to see. I love the role – we are such a friendly team and the service we provide is so appreciated.  I do understand people’s nervousness about volunteering, but you immediately get to see the bigger picture.  I come out of the clinic sessions feeling a different person as we have really helped, and it gives you a greater appreciation of your own life.”

Since Claire has been working at the clinic in Digbeth the team have picked up a macular hole, suspected glaucoma, cataracts and blepharitis –

“These patients seem to take it in their stride. Eyesight is not a priority for them and they generally don’t think about having a sight test with so many other things on their mind.  It is good that we can offer our service. We have a fully equipped clinic and I just love these four hours on a Monday,” added Claire.

London volunteer Jane Partridge has devoted many hours to the VCHP clinic in London during the past 14 years –

“It is so rewarding to see the difference that you can make to people’s lives.  If you live near to a clinic it is especially worthwhile to volunteer.”

Anyone who would like to find out more should contact Helen, the VCHP volunteer manager:

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