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The Specialist Club is back

The Specialist Club is back


J Moore

The Specialist Club is next month holding its first live, face-to-face CET meeting for two years. Themed ‘New Front Tears: Techniques and Technologies for Dry Eye’ it is focused on delivering an accurate level of diagnosis and management for dry eye sufferers in 2022 and beyond.

The one-day event is on Monday October 25 at the National Motorcycle Museum, Solihull, and will focus on the latest diagnostic and treatment options and their practical application in practice.

The keynote speaker is consultant ophthalmologist Professor Jonathan Moore who will highlight the role of Omega 3 and supplements in his CET lecture, ‘Managing Dry Eye in the Modern World.’

Optometrist Nick Dash will present another CET lecture, ‘Establishing a Successful Dry Eye Clinic.’ CET discussion lectures will be held on ‘Lifting the Lid on Periocular Care,’ led by contact lens optician Rosemin Mussa and ‘The Role of Intense Pulse Light Therapy in Optometric Practice,’ presented by optometrist Craig Wilcox.

“It’s not often that you’ll find this quality of interactive education, covering so many useful dry eye diagnosis and management options, under one roof,” highlighted the event organiser, Nick Atkins.

“Gone are the days when a bit of stain and counting to 10 constitutes a dry eye consultation,” he added. “This will be a truly valuable, not to be missed seminar for practitioners wanting to take dry eye management to the next level. Not only that, but the cost of attendance is dwarfed by the value of the discounts offered by the event sponsors on the day.”

The Specialist Club is an educational initiative designed to bring together like-minded practitioners keen to develop their sphere of practice in interesting new directions.

Sponsors and exhibitors for the October event include Positive Impact, Lumenis, Topcon Healthcare and The Eye Doctor.

An early bird attendance price of £35 plus VAT is offered to practitioners booking by September 30. The full cost of attendance is £49 plus VAT. BCLA members are offered a 10% discount off the full price.

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