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Regulating Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates precursors to change?

Regulating Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates, drafts were laid before Parliament today. 

Leonie Milliner, Chief Executive and Registrar, commented:

“The General Optical Council welcomes publication of the draft section 60 order on Regulating Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates, which was laid before Parliament today.

This is an important milestone in the journey towards reform of healthcare regulation, as, if approved, it will serve as a blueprint for future regulation of other healthcare professionals, including dispensing opticians and optometrists.

Changes to our legislation, which has not been updated in over 30 years, will give the GOC greater autonomy in discharging its regulatory responsibilities to the benefit of patients and the public. It will enable us to create a more modern and flexible system of regulation which will better protect the public and support GOC registrants.

Although optical regulation is not in the first wave of proposed reforms, the GOC is making good progress in preparing for any proposed changes by reviewing its own legislation and reflecting on responses received to its 2022 Call for Evidence. We are well-placed to move forwards once the DHSC announce a clear timeframe for other regulators.

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