Optos, part of Nikon Healthcare is the leading retinal imaging company committed to saving sight and saving lives worldwide.

The company was founded by a father determined to find a better way to detect eye disorders and diseases, following his son`s loss of sight in one eye despite regular eye examinations. Optos has led the field with its high resolution ultra-widefield (UWF™) optomap® imaging, which captures approximately 82% and 200 of the retina, something no other device can do in a single image. Optos has since expanded its unrivaled UWF devices to offer integrated multimodal imaging solutions including Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), data management software and other offerings to facilitate accessibility in any healthcare setting. Thousands of published clinical studies have demonstrated the long-term value of optomap multimodal imaging in early detection, management and effective treatment of disorders and diseases such as retinal detachments and tears, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration. For more information, visit optos.com

Optos ultra-widefield (UWFTM) retinal imaging technology was created to help doctors save sight.

Only Optos devices can produce 200° UWF optomap® images documenting 82% of the retina in a single capture. Optos imaging is proven to improve practice efficiency resulting in less waiting room time*.  In addition, optomap images can be captured from a safe distance with no close face-to-face interaction. More than 20,000 Optos devices are in use worldwide and millions of patients have benefited from optomap UWF imaging.

optomap imaging is used by doctors to diagnose and manage hundreds of eye diseases, including detachments, AMD, and diabetic eye disease. optomap has even helped doctors uncover early-stage ocular cancers and cardiovascular disease resulting in life-saving treatments.

Contact us today to put the power of optomap into your practice (* Successful interventions to improve efficiency and reduce patient visit duration in a retina practice; Retina, 2021)