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PHN welcome ISD-DE as Media Partners for their May Conference 

Primary Health Net welcome ISD-DE as Media Partners for their May Conference 

The International Society of Dacryology and Dry Eye (ISD-DE is holding is 14th Biannual International Congress at The County Hall in London this year.

The President of the Congress, Ms. Jane Olver Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Oculoplastic & Lacrimal Specialist, Clinica London states

“I am excited to let you know about our conference to be held at The County Hall London on May 29th – 31st 2024. An international congress specifically aimed at a broad school of professionals who are very interested in Dry and Watery Eye and the latest educational insight into its treatment and the expanding range of equipment available to them for quality assessments. The County Hall on London’s Thames bank is a fitting venue to assemble over 500 delegates for the congress.

Two and a half days of lectures, equipment demos, networking and the exhibition hall will allow ophthalmologists, optometrists, CLO’s and other allied health professionals to learn the latest understanding and treatment regimes together on what has now become a most significant eye problem for the public. Moreover, it provides a venue where all professionals can learn together from each other’s experiences.”

The media partnership between the and Opchat News will provide delegates of up to 500 + optometrists and ophthalmologists plus AHPs to stay in touch with the education on offer as well as an insight into the large exhibition presence.

Our Editor Bob Hutchinson has been invited to take an active role for ISD-DE in its congress promotion and liaison with sponsors and exhibitors. Opchat News will in March after its Media work with 100% ceases for 2024 publish an ISD-DE Conference preview page for all signed up Exhibitors.

“I am particularly pleased with our agreement with the ISD-DE for their forthcoming major 3 day conference in May as it has been developed to allow Optometrists, CLO’s and Ophthalmologists to work and learn side by side with other AHPs and understand the synergies between our professions that will make patients’ journeys a better experience. Readers will know that last year we added Ophthalmology pages to the site as well as Hearing and my membership of CAIPE has demonstrated how we need to work and learn together.” – Bob Hutchinson

Read editors views on Inter Professional Education here

Take a look at the ISD-DE organisation here 


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