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OSA hosts “Two key events for OSA members” in June 2021

OSA hosts “Two key events for OSA members” in June 2021

Following a busy start to 2021, with the completion of the sale of the London headquarters, reduced subscription fees for members and a huge swathe of new member benefits thanks to a collaboration with ABDO, the OSA now has two important dates coming up in June.

Learn about Post-Brexit MDR Regs

On Thursday 3 June there will be a special meeting taking place for membership to discuss concerns about post-Brexit MDR regulation.

This is a thorny subject with potentially huge implications for OSA members. Following members’ feedback, the OSA called this meeting so that concerns, comments and questions on this issue can be gathered and put to the MHRA requesting the clearest possible guidance.

Ann Blackmore, OSA Consultant, is chairing this meeting: ‘post-Brexit was always going to be a difficult time as manufacturers, importers and exporters got used to new rules and Ann Blackmore regulations. But it is doubly difficult for medical device manufacturers because the change has coincided with the introduction of new and different rules in the EU. That is why it is so important that the MHRA provides strong support and clear guidance.’ states Ann.

OSA Vice Chair Andy Hepworth adds ‘To call this a thorny subject probably understates the complexity of this area. The great news is that the OSA have again captured the thinking of Ann Blackmore to support our membership’. Members may also be interested to know that a ‘UK Regulations’ page has been added to the OSA website to help suppliers with regards to MDR and the future regulatory framework – please go to for more information.

Summer Members Event

Impending Brexit regulations and, of course, the Covid-19 pandemic hit everyone hard in 2020 and the annual December luncheon was postponed. Consequently, the OSA is holding a Summer Members’ Event to celebrate membership and the easing of lockdown measures.

Wednesday 23 June will see an unforgettable occasion for members at ‘The Oxfordshire’ hotel in Thame, Oxfordshire.

Members can network and meet up to relax with golf on a championship golf course, spa treatments, a meal and drinks as well as lavish overnight accommodation.

This will be at minimal cost to members to help celebrate a return to pre-lockdown life. A brief meeting will be held the next day to discuss any vital OSA business.

Stuart Burn OSA Chairman says: ‘I am delighted we are holding our first physical event in well over a year and look forward to seeing as many members as possible. We all have stories to share and this event should give us a fantastic chance to reflect on our experiences and look forward to the future, in very conducive surroundings’.

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