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New BCLA President – ‘ECPs can adapt and thrive in a post-pandemic world’

New BCLA President – ‘ECPs can adapt and thrive in a post-pandemic world’

PA from BCLAThe new President of the British Contact Lens Association has highlighted the opportunities that exist for eye care professionals in a post-pandemic world, with a renewed appetite for getting back to life in lenses.

Neil Retallic, Global Professional Services Manager for Menicon, formally took over as President from Indie Grewal following the BCLA’s AGM on Thursday, 9 September and used his inaugural address to issue a rallying call to members.

The session – entitled ‘The person behind the contact lens – through a pandemic and beyond’ – was held as an online webinar and looked at how eye care professionals can best use the experience of COVID-19 to prepare themselves for the months and years ahead.

He said: “COVID-19 has prompted an unprecedented degree of change for contact lens wearers and eye care professionals. Together we have climbed a new unknown mountain, responding well by maximising ways to communicate remotely, and adapting our clinics to respect COVID-19 guidance on PPE, hygiene, ventilation, and social distancing measures.

“The journey of digital transformation in health care, including tele-optometry, is helping us reach the top of that mountain but now, as restrictions are easing, the question is which path do we follow?

“As ECPs we need to understand the emotional consequences of COVID-19 and the resulting mental health crisis. We must go the extra mile and adopt a holistic person-centred health care approach to maximise our contact lens wearer’s performance, ocular and mental health.

“To keep our patients happy, healthy, and successful with contact lens wear, we need to think about the person behind the lens.”

Neil is an assessor and examiner for the College of Optometrists. His previous roles include Professional Services Manager for CooperVision, Learning and Development Manager for Vision Express and Optometry Teaching Fellow for the University of Manchester.

He has been involved with various organisations across the sector and is currently part of the GOC Education Committee, Chair of the BCLA Education Committee and a Past Chair of the British and Irish University and College Contact Lens Educators. He has been awarded fellowships from the BCLA and IACLE.

Save the date for ‘BCLA Vision’ – a new conference coming soon

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