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Eyelid hygiene device NuLids launched in the UK

Eyelid hygiene device NuLids launched in the UK

NuLids Eyelid treatment
Positive Impact has introduced a new electronic eyelid hygiene device into the UK called NuLids. Aimed at independent practices, NuLids is an innovative therapy for the management of dry eye disease, Meibomian Gland Disfunction and blepharitis.

The device is quick and simple to use either in practice or by the patient at home. An eye cleaning foam, such as DemEx, is applied over the closed eyelid and NuLids then gently massages the eyelid, resulting in lid exfoliation and stimulating meibomian gland expression.

NuLids produces little or no aerosol spray making it a valuable option for practices during this time of Covid-19.

The device’s rotating disposable silicone Soft Tip is normally used for 15 seconds per eyelid twice and is timed by the device to aid compliance. As such the whole treatment usually takes just one minute per day, unless the practitioner deems it clinically necessary for more frequent use.

NuLids cleans bacteria and desiccated skin from the eyelid margin, de-capping and opening the meibomian glands. The massage breaks up stagnant meibum in the glands improving circulation.

“NuLids offers massage and cleaning in one go,” emphasised Positive Impact’s director of marketing and professional services, Nick Atkins, during a webinar on February 4 to officially launch the device. “Results from a multi-centre clinical study is the US showed the device was safely used by patients whilst delivering a statistically significant improvement in the signs and symptoms of Dry Eye Disease.”

Highlighting the potential business opportunities for independents, Mr Atkins said that the practitioner could treat the patient with NuLids and could then recommend or sell the product to them for ongoing home use, with practice revisits to check their compliance.

As part of the UK launch, NuLids is being offered in a practitioner’s pack containing 300 of the daily disposable tips, or as a patient pack with 30 of the soft tips, one month’s supply.

Positive Impact has an introductory offer in the patient’s pack offering a free Eye Doctor Premium Eye Compress and a box of Lid Wipes worth £25.

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