Come and join your fellow peers in a fun day of golf! and Support Fight for Sight

Many prizes to win & more! Join your friends on July 5th
– Minimum of 6 team prizes
– “Prize every time” Tombola
– Auction of promises
– Halfway house snacks
– 18 holes Stableford and a chance to win a prize on every hole.
Tee times are from 10.30 am until 1.30 pm
Team entry £300 (or £75pp) Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club near Coventry, Warwickshire.

Join in and watch the professional at work with their amazing trick shots.
There will be a fantastic new range of prizes for 2023 and Fight for Sight will be hosting their annual auction whereby bids can be made against our wide range of quality prizes.which include : heliocopter rides, weekends away, driving experiences and more! we have something for everybody!
Why not get involved?
Sponsorship & donation opportunities
We are always looking to expand our network of donors and sponsors.
Whether you would like to donate your products or services to the event, or sponsor a prize, we would love for you to contact us to discuss this further.
Get in touch with Debbie White to find out more, call 07866 510 959 or email
Download Flyer HERE Fight for sight – 2023 event flyer (6)