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As the GOC consultation on Optical Business Regs has ended Bodies add comments

FODO’s complete consultation reply is open to all to see

FODO has raised concerns about the possibility of GOC fines becoming unlimited as well as a suggestion of increasing numbers of practice visits by the GOC outside of FTP involvement.

FODO’s submission provides some excellent reasoning set both in agreement on many points the GOC has raised but also points to where unnecessary overreach could financially damage the optical sector that in the GOC’s own admission is working well within the public interest.

You can see the complete FODO submission here which we suggest you read and as received we will publish the other bodies comments as provided.

The College of Optometrists welcomes the GOC’s proposals for the regulation of optical businesses 

The College of Optometrists welcomes the General Optical Council’s (GOC) proposals for changes to its framework for regulating optical businesses.

The College supports the proposals for bringing charities and university eye clinics into regulation and believes this will be a positive step in enhancing protections for patients and staff. However, the College has also expressed concerns in its response to the consultation about the need for clear distinction between the regulation of university eye clinics as businesses and the regulation of education provision. The College also highlighted the potential impact of the administrative burden and cost on these not-for-profit organisations.

The GOC’s proposal to require the appointment of a Head of Optical Practice (HOP) in each optical business is also one that the College welcomes in principle, but the practicalities of appointing a HOP could be challenging in some practices, and more detail is needed on the suggested policies and available support from the GOC. The College does not believe that a separate set of conduct standards for the HOP would be necessary.

Dr Gillian Rudduck MCOptom, President of The College of Optometrists, commented: “We broadly welcome the proposed changes to the GOC’s framework for regulating optical businesses as positive steps for ensuring consistency in care and enhanced patient protection and reassurance across the sector.”

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