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Three early adopters chosen for Optometry First

NHS National Eye Care Recovery and Transformation Programme (NECRTP) says in this month’s newsletter update  “Primary eye care is well placed to provide a coordinated and comprehensive service as part of a broader eye care delivery system, reducing pressure on hospital eye services for the benefit of patients and the wider NHS”.

The NECRTP confirms that 16 areas were interested in becoming early adopters of Optometry First. The following three have now been selected:

Isle of Wight

The update also said the NECRTP is undertaking a review, with an “interim plan to inform how the eye care programme will go forward in the next financial year”.

It added that it is “pleased to continue for at least the next six months” and that it will bring “some aspects of this year’s work to a position in which it can be handed over to regional colleagues for local implementation and on developing a realistic plan for next year and hope to share these plans with you soon”.

Further information can be found on the LOCSU site here


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