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Keynote Speaker Announced for NOC 2023

Keynote Speaker Announced for NOC 2023


Professor James Kingsland OBE

LOCSU reveals their first keynote speaker for this year’s NOC.

Professor James Kingsland OBE
has a wealth of experience as a National Clinical Director, General Practitioner, and former Primary Care Association president.

He has twice served as a government advisor at the Department of Health and has also held advisory positions with NICE, CQC and NHSI. James has also served on the Board of three different hospitals in the Northwest of England over a 12-year period.

James was previously a popular guest at NOC in 2019 so they’re delighted to welcome him back.


Registration for LOCSU fully funded LOC places has now closed, but from 1 Sept discounted early bird booking begins.

These prices are being held at last year’s rate for a limited period so don’t miss out on this special offer!

See our dedicated NOC site here.

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