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SeeAbility to offer training for LD and Autism

SeeAbility is exploring the need for this training in the optical sector which, in being regulated by the GOC

A new requirement of all CQC regulated health and care providers that all their staff – clinical and administrative – receive mandatory learning disability and autism awareness training.

As you may already be aware, the Health and Social Care Act 2022 has made it a requirement of all CQC regulated health and care providers that all their staff – clinical and administrative – receive mandatory learning disability and autism awareness training by people with lived experience and Health Education England has developed the Oliver McGowan mandatory learning disability and autism training programme to this end:

SeeAbility is exploring the need for this training in the optical sector which, in being regulated by the GOC and not CQC, is missing out on the mandated requirement of this training, despite the known barriers to eye care this group experience whilst being 10x more likely to have a significant visual problem.

Health Education England have agreed SeeAbility can deliver this training to optical professionals and, ideally, also non-clinical practice staff, including reception and optical assistant colleagues.

At this stage, we are offering Tier 1 of the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism. This consists of online training via e-learning for health plus a 1hour live webinar from SeeAbility, which as an accredited CPD provider, we have logged with the GOC for 1 interactive point.

The trainers have live experience of learning disabilities and autism.

The flyer is attached below and here is the booking link: 

Or use the QR code on Flyer 


Optical Suppliers Guide
Optical Suppliers Guide