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Season’s Greetings from PHN

Season’s Greetings from PHN

Primary Health Net Ltd, (PHN)  publishers of your professional independent news on Opchat News and of Mylocaloptician our newly updated public education site on eyewear and eyecare as well as our comprehensive database of optical practices in the UK and RoI wish all our readers a very happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.

We also thank all our headline sponsors for their continued support, without them we could not provide the Independent News that we receive and publish without insistence on News PR being linked to Advertising.

And finally to our highly successful and profitable LOC’s who use PHN’s portal and webmanager to communicate internally with their members and externally to their local patients.

Our suggestions for New Year resolutions for 2024

  • Stay up to date with news as we publish daily
  • Make sure all your colleagues receive our free E-News every 14 days where you can pick and choose the stories of interest to you
  • Make sure your views are known to GOC and professional bodies so you can shape your profession’s future
  • Let us know about your company or personal successes and talk to us about your hopes and fears
  • Help us expand our ophthalmology and audiology sector news
  • Make sure your practice is correctly presented on “Find My Optician” from the public site and directly at
  • And finally we hope to see you all at 100% Optical 2024 where for the tenth time we will be Media Partners. We are building our 100% Preview pages now.

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