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Royal College praise for cataract training

Royal College praise for cataract training

THE Royal College of Ophthalmologists has praised Newmedica for its cataract programme for trainee ophthalmologists.

Access to cataract training in the independent sector has improved, according to the findings of The Royal College’s (RCOphth) second survey of its ophthalmologists in training group – with Newmedica playing a key role in this development.

‘Continuing improvements in the availability of high-quality cataract training placements’, particularly at Newmedica centres, reflected ‘the collaborative work over the last two years between RCOphth, training programme directors, the independent sector and ophthalmologists in training,’ it said.

The quality of training undertaken in ISPs continued to be rated highly, according to the College, with 90% of trainee representatives agreeing it was a positive experience. The size of theatre lists and teaching quality was particularly valued.

Newmedica medical director Nigel Kirkpatrick said: ‘ISPs have a significant role in training ophthalmologists as well as optometrists, nurses and surgical care practitioners.

‘At Newmedica, as a long-term partner to the NHS, we are committed to continually developing our training programmes and welcome the positive feedback from the Royal College’s research.’

There was also more that can be done, he added, as noted in the RCOphth research.

‘We look forward to collaborating with our colleagues across the sector to support trainee ophthalmologists to give them strong foundations for rewarding careers and meeting patient need,’ said Mr Kirkpatrick, who is a consultant ophthalmologist himself

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