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PHN announce improved search engine for all Optical Practices

PHN announce improved public search engine for all Optical Practices

find your Optician online

The “Find Your Optician app” found on the newly developed Public Vision Information Site has been upgraded to provide many unique opportunities for Registered Optical Practices.

With over 7000 optical practices already on the site PHN has provided many more search functions for the public to choose their best local optical and hearing practice.

The new Optical Practice search tool has been developed and designed by PHN ECPs with GOC registered only practices in mind and has been full tested this year.

To provide this function we need all practices to check their listing and add their Mainstream Services: Contact Lenses : Home Visits : Hearing Services : Low Vision Services


Every practice location listing is provided free but the new application provides many ways to encourage new patients to your door for a small annual nominal sum.


Improved Search facilities

Declare your practice specialties and national brands, inform about long and short-term promotions, publish images of your practice, equipment and staff team, and add your practice messages on eyecare and eyewear.

Locate your practice precisely on the mapping function providing simple direction finding to your new and old patients and add your email address, fax and phone, Twitter and Facebook and even your own website links.

Post your daily opening times

You can check for your listing, claim and amend to add Mainstream Services and add new and missing practices. Just register as a registered practice in the UK and ROI for an account and once validated you can control all your listings Online forever.

(Companies with 10 or more listings can contact for mass amendments and entries)

Don’t forget : All current entries need upgrading to show the main services they provide as the public can filter their search for practices providing Contact Lens, Hearing, Home Visits and Low Vision Services.



The “Find Your Local Optician” app button appears on the home page of the public information  and news site for all interested in better eyecare, eyewear and hearing and in search browsers when people are looking for an optician near them.

You can also go direct to the Find your optician site by using

Practices can find the instructions under the tab Practitioner Information on the home page or use the links below.

For adding your Mainstream services or making amendments read the information here

Need to add new or missing Practices read the information here



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