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Haag-Streit UK Announces the Launch of the iVue80 in the UK

Haag-Streit UK Announces the Launch of the iVue80 in the UK

Haag-Streit UK has announced the launch of the new iVue80 OCT in the UK. The iVue80 SD-OCT system offers 80,000 A-scans per second—three times faster than the original iVue model—and offers improved efficiency and enhanced image quality.

The system also features new scan options and functions, along with a wider field-of-view, according to Haag-Streit UK.

The iVue80 is the next phase in advanced OCT product design, offering retina, glaucoma and anterior segment scanning, as standard.

The system quantifies the thickness of the retina, nerve fibre layer, ganglion cell complex, and the cornea.

It also tracks change and predicts trends in RNFL and GCC thickness and precisely measures angles to aid in disease diagnosis.

The iVue80 is suitable for every clinical practice, featuring a streamlined interface and familiar slit lamp-style design. Real-time en face imaging displays a 12mm x 9mm view of the retina during acquisition, to assist the operator in scanning the desired location.

The optional addition of the iCam12, allows the user to upgrade to the iFusion80, combining the advanced capabilities of iVue80 with the high-quality imaging from iCam12 on a single, integrated, versatile platform.

The ability to simultaneously perform high-resolution fundus and external photography, enables the OCT image to be overlaid with the fundus photo. This aids in the diagnosis of the patient, by enhancing any suspected abnormalities.

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