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GOC announces Dr Anne Wright CBE as new Chair of Council

GOC announces Dr Anne Wright CBE as new Chair of Council

The General Optical Council (GOC) has announced Dr Anne Wright CBE as Chair of Council. Dr Wright will follow Gareth Hadley OBE who has been Chair for eight years.

Dr Wright is an experienced Chief Executive and Chair, with a strong regulatory background. She was Chair of the National Lottery Commission for eight years until 2013, and a Member of the Bar Standards Board from 2012 to 2017.

Her most recent appointment was as Member and Lay Vice-Chair of the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Her career in higher education led to appointment as the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sunderland from 1990 to 1998. She was awarded the CBE in 1997 for services to higher education.

Dr Wright’s other non-executive roles have included the School Teachers Review Body and the Armed Forces Pay Review Body.

Dr Wright CBE said: “I am delighted to have been appointed as the Chair of the GOC. With transformative projects such as the Education Strategic Review and the introduction of a new Continuing Professional Development model as well as future legislative reform, it is an exciting time to be joining the Council.

I look forward to working with my fellow Council members, staff and stakeholders to deliver the highest standards of public protection.”
Outgoing Chair, Gareth Hadley OBE, said: “I am pleased to be handing over my role to Anne, whose leadership and experience will be incredibly useful in guiding the GOC to achieve its vision of being recognised for delivering world-class regulation and excellent customer service.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time as GOC Chair and I am proud of what we have accomplished. As sad as I am to be going, I know the GOC will be in safe hands. I look forward to seeing what Anne will achieve during her tenure.”

Gareth led the GOC throughout various achievements, including the launches of the Education Strategic Review and the Continuing Education and Training Review, and the introduction of new Standards of Practice for optometrists and dispensing opticians, students, and optical businesses.

Dr Wright will take up her appointment on 18 February 2021.

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