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College President comments on the Education Strategic Review, published this week

College President comments on the Education Strategic Review, published this week

Colin Davidson, President, College of Optometrists comments on the Education Strategic Review.

“As part of its Education Strategic Review, begun in 2015, the GOC has now approved the new threshold requirements for registration as a dispensing optician or optometrist. The College supports the clear direction that the new learning outcomes provide, including that the new threshold for registration as an optometrist should be at Master’s degree level.

“The challenge now is to establish the detail of how the ESR is implemented, to achieve a safe transition to new arrangements. The planned tight timeframe for implementing the ESR and the lack of clarity on funding arrangements remain causes for concern.

“The College will use its expertise and experience, including from delivering the Scheme for Registration and final independent prescriber exam and its established independent assessor and examiner networks, to play a leading role in the updated education provision for the profession.

“As the professional body for optometry, the College will work closely with all stakeholders to ensure the highest professional standards in qualifying the profession continue to be upheld. We will also seek to ensure that the GOC’s new outcomes, standards and QAE approach support the development and expansion of the profession’s role, influence and contribution to patient care.”

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