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ABDO’s New Dry Eye Clinical Hub

ABDO’s New Dry Eye Clinical Hub

The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) has added a new Focus on Dry Eye to the clinical hub which brings together up to date research and current thinking to allow dispensing opticians (DOs), low vision opticians and contact lens opticians (CLOs) to maintain and extend their knowledge and practice.

ABDO Clinical Lead Max Halford says, “Dry eye disease is something that all of us, every day, encounter in our professional working lives.  Our Focus on… webpages are all about clinical techniques and knowledge that can enhance a DO’s role as a clinician in practice and will build up to give you a portfolio of information accessible via ABDO’s Clinical Hub.

“The Clinical Hub is packed with information and resources, whether you are a student, dispensing optician, contact lens optician or low vision optician. The content is continually being created and will build up to become a great source of information for all practice colleagues.”

Alongside this resource in the Clinical Hub, ABDO members can also get access to a new webinar on dry eye at the end of the month. Visit to find out more and book.

Focus on Dry Eye adds to existing topics on the hub, which can be found by visiting You can also find detailed information on myopia management, a Focus on OCT, along with a DO guide to eye diseases, plus a section on extended services. Plus, visitors to the hub can access useful resources such as a guide to acronyms used in eye care and eye wear, a glossary of terms, as well as links to ABDO’s clinical advice and guidelines, patient leaflets, and information to share with patients.

Max adds, “Our thanks go to Neil Harvey FBDO CL MBCLA for his vital input to this topic. We welcome any feedback and comments.” The Clinical Hub will continue to develop throughout 2022.

Explore the Clinical Hub here:

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