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ABDO awards two Life Memberships and Medal of Excellence

ABDO awards two Life Memberships and Medal of Excellence

Peter Black MBA FBDO FEAOO PGCAP FHEA and Julie Lees FBDO have been presented with Life Membership of the Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO).

In addition, Dr Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bartlam BSc (Hons) FBDO CL (Hons) LVA SMC (Tech) has been presented with the ABDO Medal of Excellence.

The awards were presented by ABDO president, Kevin Gutsell, on 6 November.

Kevin commented, “It was an honour to present Peter, Julie and Lizzie with their awards. They have all shown dedication to the Association with their various roles and are great ambassadors for the profession.”

Peter Black was awarded Life Membership for his contribution and dedication to the Association in his various roles as president of the Association, as a member of the ABDO Board, representing the profession on a number of committees, as a dispensing practical examiner, theory marker, practice visitor – as chairman of Joint Optical Committee to Europe and representing the UK at the European Council of Optometry and Optics.

He commented, “I was delighted to receive Life Membership and be recognised by the President and Board of ABDO for the work I have done representing the Association, and the Profession, over the past 35 years.  It has been a great privilege and pleasure to represent the profession nationally and internationally in a great many roles including being President from 2013 to 2016 and a practical examiner for over 20 years.”

Julie Lees was awarded Life Membership for her input and dedication within the Association in her various roles as an ABDO Board member, a dispensing practical examiner in the UK and overseas, theory marker, practice visitor, and dedication to the profession through her role as head of the School for Ophthalmic Dispensing at Bradford College.

She commented, “The award was a complete surprise and an honour to receive. I’ve been a member of ABDO for over 50 years having several roles throughout my career from dispensing optician, lecturer, ABDO practical examiner both in the U.K. and overseas and head of faculty for the OD courses at Bradford college. I feel very privileged to have served on the ABDO Board for the last six years and to receive the award was the icing on the cake. ”

Dr Elizabeth Bartlam was awarded the ABDO Medal of Excellence for her outstanding service and commitment to the Association and the profession – and her work in supporting and teaching students in many roles at both Aston University and at ABDO College. Dr Bartlam has contributed to various professional publications, including Dispensing Optics, on topics such as low vision care and paediatric dispensing.

She commented, “I am absolutely thrilled to receive this medal and feel especially honoured – particularly when I have enjoyed the work for the Association. My heartfelt thanks to be given this.”

Find a list of all ABDO Life Membership and Medal of Excellence recipients here.

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