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OSA draws inspirational speakers to 100% OPTICAL

Free Non-CPD inspirational lectures throughout 3 days at 100%

Transforming optometry and ophthalmology with AI and exploring how hybrid home care is enabled via technology, are just two of the free to attend lectures on the OSA stand at 100% Optical, February 25-27th.

Low level laser therapy for the management of dry eye disease; treating myopia with new designs of contact lenses; technologies in glaucoma treatment; starting and running a better business; fitting paediatric frames; sustainability and MRHA legislation will also be covered in the ten hours of interactive sessions.

The OSA presentations will be delivered by some of the most respected authorities in the UK, including Professor James Wolffsohn, Head of the School of Optometry at Aston University and Pearse Keane, Professor of Artificial Medical Intelligence, at Moorfields.

James Wolffsohn is keen to share this technology with the audience at 100% Optical –

“With biomodulation, or low light therapy, we are bringing the very latest evidence-based science to the fore and demonstrating what is in the realm for optometrists to deliver. Most eye care practitioners are aware that light treatment can be beneficial for dry eye disease and the latest developments allow optometrists to deliver for patients who are desperate for therapies.

These treatments can keep people out of busy hospitals, provide very localised care and build up optical practices,” he said.

James will be discussing his experiences with this technology along with IPL and how a treatment schedule can be prescribed.

“Net Zero is Far Easier than You think” is the subject of Andy Clark, Director of Practice Building’s, presentation –

“An average UK independent practice produces 250 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year and the target of Net Zero by 2050 is just too late.  We have devised a plan for practices to become net zero in 90 days and it’s much easier than you might think. Reducing plastics is essential but cutting carbon emissions is vital,” said Andy.

“We are looking at power, supply chain, recycling policies and staff and patient journeys, moving to a broader community influence,” he added.

Take a look at the Full Educational program at 100% Optical HERE 


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