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Hutchinson has a new role at CAIPE.

Hutchinson has a new role at CAIPE.

Bob Hutchinson who this year retired from his Presidential role on the General Practice with Primary Healthcare section at the Royal Society of Medicine after 10 years on the council has been invited to join the Board at CAIPE, The Centre for Advancement for Inter-professional Education.

Last week he chaired important sessions for a three-day GP update bring optical learning to their attention including lectures on learning difficulties in children, dry eye and the progressive myopic endemic.

During his time on the RSM Council he had been enthused with the original thinking of two of its former Presidents, Hugh Barr and Richard Grey. The former being instrumental in the origins of CAIPE following its founder Dr John Horder a former RCGP leader.

Established in 1987, CAIPE is a UK-based charity with international outreach whose members (individuals, service users, students and corporate organisations) work together to promote and develop the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities through interprofessional education, collaborative practice and related research facilitating the development of a workforce fit for purpose.   

Its belief that medical and social professions learning together and working as teams will provide improved healthcare outcomes.

“I am very pleased to have been asked to assist CAIPE in its quest to improve professions working together, reducing the to often seen silos creating gapping in health care on a patient’s journey. I would encourage regulatory bodies to insist on educational modules being written with IPE as central to their curriculum. The new courses now being advanced allow a wonderful opportunity to teach inclusively and to design facilities to make available immersive learning between our optical and ophthalmic professions.

Bob Hutchinson Optometrist, is the founder and Editor of Opchat News, a past Chair of FODO and College Councillor as well as a past SMC Past Court Assistant and V-Chair of the Companies Committee of the GOC 


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