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2021 New Annual Plan published by ABDO

2021 New Annual Plan published by ABDO

The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) has launched a new Annual Plan for 2021 which can be found here.

The ABDO Annual Plan for 2021 sets out the wide range of activities that ABDO will be carrying out to continue to support, develop and represent members.

ABDO President Jo Holmes says, “We know that Covid-19 made 2020 a hugely difficult year for everyone – both personally and professionally. ABDO will continue to support members in dealing with the pandemic’s challenges, while managing the organisation’s finances prudently and hoping that the coming year brings more positive news.”

ABDO will support members by providing:

• High quality continuing education and training to support your professional development – through articles, webinars, online workshops and, when feasible, regional events.
• Professional and personalised responses to your requests and enquiries.
• A range of professional qualifications to enable entry to the profession and the expansion of roles.
• Support to gain accreditations needed to deliver enhanced services.
• Guidance and tools via our business support hub.
• Advice and guidance on a wide range of clinical and regulatory issues, including via a new clinical support hub.
• A regular supply of news and information through eNews and Dispensing Optics.

ABDO will represent the profession by:

• Representing members on cross-sector-bodies and committees to ensure the voices of dispensing opticians (DOs) and contact lens opticians (CLOs) are heard.
• Working collaboratively with other organisations to promote eye health and the importance of high-quality dispensing.
• Engaging with the GOC to influence regulatory developments.
• Negotiating opportunities for members to develop their roles.

ABDO will build on member development opportunities by:

• Reviewing the syllabus for our FBDO Level 6 Diploma in Dispensing Optics and responding to the GOC’s Education Strategic Review once this is concluded.
• Having a greater focus on providing education and training that supports members continuing professional development.
• Encouraging students to work towards the management and leadership qualifications that we now offer in conjunction with the Chartered Management Institute.
• Seeking to inspire the next generation of dispensing opticians through our Careers in Eyecare campaign.
• Developing a new strategic plan – to take effect in January 2022 – that will set out a positive vision for the future, explain ABDO’s objectives and demonstrate the benefits members can expect to see.

Jo Holmes adds, “As our members’ professional body, we are proud to serve and safeguard the interests of dispensing opticians, contact lens opticians and low vision practitioners, and hope that 2021 proves to be a successful year for all.”

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