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100% Preview pages now added Key Note Speakers

Along with dozens of company previews PHN now adds Key Note Speakers

Now’s the time to download your 100% Registration ticket or Book Now , this is an International Show not to miss.

London Excel has proved a highly successful venue for 100% Optical. Its even more accessible now with the Elizabeth Line direct to Custom House from Heathrow and with great links from all the London Airports.

Making a long weekend of your travel to London, then just a few stops away is the West End perhaps take in a show or wine and dine.

On the preview pages you can already start to feel the buzz and enthusiasm from the exhibitors with competitions, invites and deals galore. Keep reviewing the pages as we are adding the top companies day by day as well as those speaking in their academies and on the ophthalmology academy.

Plan your weekend, plan your trail and get the most out of the largest exhibition and CPD availability in 100% Optical’s 10th year, across which PHN has been a proud and effective media partner.

Recently added: Heidelberg Engineering : Essilor/Luxottica : Topcon : LOCSU Programme CLICK HERE 


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