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Vision care clinics get back to business

Vision care clinics get back to business

Clinic VCHP The “Just Do It website” was the starting point for two volunteers at Vision Care For Homeless People’s clinic in East London.

Andrea Frazer, (pictured left) a clinical assistant, with patient, Sarah, explained –

“I thought I’d give it a go. Volunteering at the clinic is hugely enjoyable.  We are enabling people to go to classes and helping with their aspirations of getting a job.  So many of the people we see are trying to turn their lives around as homelessness affects people from all walks of life.  I have been volunteering for four years and we see so many people who need our help, especially with the clinics having been closed during lockdown.”

The East London clinic sees approximately 12 patients each week and, since the re-opening, has helped a lady with -12.5D prescription and several who are referred to Moorfields for glaucoma investigations and others with eye serious injuries.

Vision Care for Homeless People is looking for volunteers and fundraisers at its clinics throughout England – find out how you can help at

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