Thankyou to our Headline Sponsors above

OSA LOGO for Optical Suppliers Association

Providing innovation, insight, knowledge and training

OSA is the Optical Suppliers Association, providing innovation, insight, knowledge and training for the whole of the UK optical industry. We support a wide range of activities that benefit the sector as a whole and the people who work within it.

We provide a thriving network for companies involved in all aspects of manufacturing, distribution and supply of lenses, frames, ophthalmic instruments and equipment, contact lenses, consumables and accessories, as well as shopfitters and providers of IT and business services to optical practices.

OSA is delighted to be working with Closer Still Media to help deliver 100% Optical between 1st and 3rd of March 2024

E-Health is the fastest growing sector of the OSA, driving Innovation and transforming healthcare: The OSA provides the platform where E-Health leaders can help shape the optical sector of the future.

We recognise the complete optical supply chain, providing a thriving network for companies involved in all aspects of manufacturing, distribution and supply of lenses, frames, ophthalmic instruments, and equipment, contact lenses, consumables, and accessories, as well as shopfitters and providers of IT and business services to optical practices.

OSA is a Headline Sponsor of PHN’s Opchat News

Here are the benefits of Membership

Focus Groups and General Meetings

OSA Focus Groups cover Equipment, Frames and Lenses. You can also attend the AGM and twice- yearly General Meetings which provide unparalleled networking and the opportunity to promote and protect the interests of each respective area of manufacturing.

Invaluable Updates and Insight

OSA General Meetings have leading industry figures giving presentations and insights into current trends and news.

OSA constantly contact members with any news updates affecting the optical industry. We helped keep members updated during the Covid 19 pandemic. We want to ensure our members are fully aware of legislation and regulation from the UK and Europe so we helped members prepare for MDR which came into effect from 1 January 2021.

Market your goods and services to over 7500 optical UK practices and beyond our shores

PHN’s Opchat News provides the OSA sponsored Optical Suppliers Directory at discounts ranging from 10% to 50% for Directory Entries, banners and Headline Sponsorship as well as REDUCED COST product and service e-blasts to over 5000 subscribed opticians.  Check out OSA rates here

The Directory Entry will publish your OSA membership by your Company Entries.

Opchat News will publish all your stories, in house, personnel, new projects and new products and services and acknowledge your OSA membership with each published story.

MDR Updates

We have employed a consultant to constantly monitor new developments on the Medical Devices Regulations which came into effect in January 2021. We will continue to provide members with constant updates.

CET Provider

Members will be able to acquire their CET points through the OSA. We are also currently working on building an educational platform and portfolio from which our members can work content into various events.

Member Benefits

Management and Leadership Course – This Level 5 course is offered at a discounted rate and provides a diploma from the Chartered Management Institute.



In conjunction with ABDO, OSA can offer a variety of services at a reduced rate. OSA members will be able to access the online version of Dispensing Optics every month for FREE.

BSI/ISO Standards

OSA members benefit from a 15% discount on BSI optical standards.

OSA Standards Panel meets regularly, sometimes with standards representatives from the other optical bodies. This ensures that new standards that affect our members have expert UK input and are worded clearly and appropriately

Annual Christmas Luncheon and AGM

OSA members and their guests come together every December following the AGM, to network and enjoy networking opportunities, and a catch up with friends within the OSA and across the optical sector.

The location and date of our 2024 Christmas lunch is Bloomsbury Hotel on Dec 6th . There will also be a summer members’ event in June

HR Knowledge Base

OSA members can register to get access to the HR Knowledge Base, created by HR Solutions. Your membership benefit also includes 3 free calls to the HR Advice Line as well as access to HR Updates, Risk Audits and Webinars.