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The London Ophthalmology Centre launch free guide to eye technology

The London Ophthalmology Centre (LondonOC) has launched a new guide aimed at informing people about how ground-breaking technology is positively impacting eye care health. The guide has specific insight in cataract surgery and lens replacement.
The free guide, Seeing The Future, explains how the very latest technical developments in cataract surgery are revolutionising how people will see in the future.
The guide has a focus on lens replacement and provides detailed explanations of how procedures now work.
It also features the stories of writer Jane Fallon, and former children’s Laureate, Michael Rosen and how their vision was positively impacted by these new  procedures and technologies.
The guide is a free downloadable guide is available here. 

Mr Vik Sharma (MBBS BSc FRCOphth), Clinical Director, London OC, (and is a Consultant Ophthalmologist, Cataract and Glaucoma Specialist at the Royal Free NHS Hospital, London).

Mr Sharma is a surgeon to royalty and the trusted choice of professional colleagues including doctors, GPs and eye surgeons. He says; “Things are getting smaller! And replacement lenses are getting more precise! As an eye surgeon, compelled to create positive outcomes for my patients, in my opinion we are in one of the most exciting times that I have ever seen for eyes. Technology is bringing us ultimate precision in a minimally invasive surgical environment, providing life changing optimised results for your eyes.

But what does this mean for you? If you are having vision problems, if you have cataracts, are worried about difficulties with reading or are juggling glasses you might not be aware of the options that are now available to you. The most advanced of these treatment developments is lens replacement and it is designed to last one hundred years.That means your vision is restored perfectly for the rest of your life without glasses. This is life-changing for people who experience it.

I’m going to outline the developments that excite me the most to make you aware of the great advances technology is making for eyes in the world right now.”
LondonOC uses pioneering innovative techniques with the best on-site technology including SLT laser; HD multifocal lenses and extended depth of focus lenses; minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS); Xen and preserflo stents; Hydrus and istent; and all glaucoma surgery.
Specialist treatment areas include; glaucoma, cataracts, vision correction, macular degeneration, trauma & injury, lens replacement, chronic & degenerative eye conditions. London OC is located at Queen Anne Street Hospital in Harley Street’s Medical Area and offers virtual consultations during the pandemic.
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