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OSA updates all on DICOM, GREEN CHARTER & 100% OPTICAL 2025

OSA updates all on DICOM, GREEN CHARTER & 100% OPTICAL 2025


Interoperability was top of the agenda at this week’s OSA meeting when members heard first-hand about the NHS DICOM working group’s progress and the OSA’s new initiative – the Digital Eye Care Alliance (DECA) – which aims to bring all parties together to forge the future eyecare pathway.

Karl Jeebaun and Stephanie Campbell, who lead the OSA E-Health Focus Group, spoke about the national eyecare transformation project. With the major providers engaged, progress has been good through themes 1&2, as Karl explained –

“Our aim is to get innovative technologies faster to the market, and by working together we can produce a unified solution around interoperability as a first step.  There is genuine interest to collaborate for the best outcomes, and this makes the task a lot easier.”

All interested parties are looking closely at three key elements –

Theme 1 – Patient data

Theme 2 – Images

Theme 3 – Clinical data

As part of this drive the OSA is sponsoring a White Paper on remote-measuring and monitoring devices within the optometry arena, as Stephanie explained –

“We need to raise standards and ensure that we have a level playing field of output from these devices.  We have cross-industry/profession support and welcome input from any providers of these devices. This is good for UK Optics plc and we have the opportunity to lead on this.”

The announcement of the Digital Eye Care Alliance (DECA), which is a framework for both stakeholders and innovators to come together to create bespoke solutions, with a clear path to adoption, led to a discussion about a “Vision Passport”. This would use patients as a conduit of their data and could lead to earlier diagnosis and effective monitoring –

“Clinical data works better together – we know that 50% of sight loss could be prevented by earlier detection, (RNIB),” said Stephanie.

Any digital eyecare providers that are not currently part of the OSA, or stakeholders interested in DECA, are urged to engage with the OSA to register their interest.

 100% Optical

The desire to bring optometry and ophthalmology closer, and to foster greater co-operation, was reflected in the 100% Optical report, given by show manager Media 10’s Marlon Cera-Marle.  As the 10th anniversary, it was significant that this is the first major event to bring  optometry and ophthalmology together with one shared educational arena.  Moving forward, members heard about the opportunity to bring more education to the show in 2025, with views voiced about the successes of the recent event and areas to enhance.

The opportunity for OSA and other exhibitors to use the “Book a Meeting” tool was highlighted.  Marlon said this is used in other events and encourages attendance and engagement before the show commences.

MHRA and regulatory

Ann Blackmore, the OSA regulatory consultant, gave members a review of UK and European legislation with expected timelines on changes which will affect optical suppliers. She highlighted the emphasis on software as a medical device (SAMD), and assured members they would be kept informed of new announcements at the first opportunity.

Green Charter

The OSA’s four levels of the Green Charter are progressing and when this is finalised, and the auditing defined, it is expected to help businesses with sustainability. The OSA’s business plan for the Green Charter, and pilot studies amongst member companies, will be commencing soon.

Hoya’s Green Journey

, shared the journey undertaken by the Hoya site to address the business’s environmental direction –

“Our move was driven by our own desire, plus our customer queries about packaging, and recycling and our own on-site policies. It coincided with Hoya Global’s ‘One Vision’ strategy to ‘focus on a better tomorrow today’ looking at Community, Environment and Workplace,” she said.

As with most organisations the Hoya drive is to reduce, re-use and recycle, and to address energy use in both the Wrexham site and supply chain, including upstream and downstream distribution.  Lighting, solar energy, rainwater harvesting, waste disposal and business travel were all discussed.

“I put myself onto a carbon literacy course to build up my knowledge.  It doesn’t have to be very difficult.  In 2023 we started working with Net Zero Optics: they bring so much knowledge and enthusiasm to the table and it has been very beneficial to have those insights.

“The journey is not a one-off tick box, and as a business we know that it is a process and a long-term project but, importantly for monitoring data, it needs to be repeatable and consistent.”

Courier Companies

The OSA’s ongoing review of courier services reported that i2i City Post is increasing its network and, in the areas where it operates, members were enjoying a very good service. InXpress was also highlighted as an intermediary “with significant buying power with the commercial shippers” and that OSA preferential rates were bringing high levels of customer satisfaction with dedicated account managers, excellent onboarding sessions and parcel tracking. Another benefit, delegates were told, is that all shipping invoicing is in one account which is good for accounting – “It works like an in-house shipping department,” said OSA Director Rob Barrow.


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