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Early bird registration is now open for Optometry Tomorrow with BCLA Focus

Early bird registration is now open for Optometry Tomorrow now incorporating BCLA Focus

Optom today 2024

Optometry Tomorrow 2024, brings together The College of Optometrists’ flagship conference and BCLA Focus, providing GOC-registered eye care professionals with a choice of around 110 CPD sessions across two days.


The event, to be held from 28-29 April 2024 at the Telford International Centre, will have programmes from the two organisations running alongside each other – giving delegates the opportunity to attend lectures from both.

It also marks the 20th anniversary of Optometry Tomorrow, and its integration with BCLA Focus creates a strengthened programme, providing delegates with greater access to CPD, research and good practice.

2024 is the final year of the current three-year CPD cycle, and delegates will be able to collect an average of 15 CPD points over the weekend, encompassing all four CPD domains, and can gain contact lens optician and therapeutics specialty points.
You will also be able to benefit from face-to-face learning and networking opportunities, and will have the chance to develop your skills in the ever-popular hands-on clinical workshops that form part of both the College of Optometrists and the BCLA programmes. There will also be a dedicated exhibition, featuring around 30 companies.
Book your place today at the early bird rate! 
Be the first to secure you place and take advantage of the BCLA membership rates combined with the early bird offer!
There will be priority access to the programme session selection for those who register before 20 November 2023!
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