One more sign of emerging “normality”.SILMO 2021

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The attractiveness of SILMO Paris is reinforced with each edition.

Year after year, the event federates an increasing number of professionals of the optical and eyewear industry around the same objective: to explore the future of a profession that is undergoing profound changes.To visit SILMO Paris is to travel through time in pursuit of a glimpse of one’s own future.

To visit SILMO Paris is to access a multidimensional space where the latest technologies and the trends of the future converge, meet and agglomerate to bring forth new projects, rewarding collaborations, and unique ideas.

So much more than just a fair, SILMO Paris is – now more than ever – the key event of the year for the optical world, and the place where brands and opticians encounter tomorrow’s business and their own future successes.

The Future is SILMO