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Ocuco Neutralises its Carbon Emissions Until 2022

Ocuco Neutralises its Carbon Emissions Until 2022

Ocuco Ltd announces its Dublin headquarters is carbon neutral until 2022.

In March 2020, the optical software company joined the initiative to offset its carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions.

The three-year commitment builds on the sustainable mindset already ingrained within the company’s culture as well as the products offered by the world’s leading optical software provider.

According to the United Nations Environment Program, carbon neutrality can be obtained by balancing a measured amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount sequestered . To achieve carbon neutrality at its Irish headquarters, Ocuco will offset 2,320 tonnes of CO₂ by reforesting almost 15 acres of native Irish woodland in Killultagh, County Roscommon. In total, 20,000 trees of native Irish species such as ash, birch and oak, will be planted during the first three years of commitment. Third-party foresters will audit this reforesting to ensure the highest international forestry management and certification .

Leo MacCanna & John Beckett Leo Mac Canna (left), Ocuco CEO, reinforces that it is imperative to tackle climate change. “The Earth Overshoot Day is arriving earlier every year. In 2021, humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services had exceeded the planet’s capacity to provide these resources on July 29 . As a leading provider of software in the optical sector, we must set an example and commit to avert global warming. Corporations, independent practices and individuals have a shared responsibility to mitigate their environmental impact.”

In the United Kingdom, 780 million used contact lenses are disposed of every year, and only 3% of those are recycled . However, offsetting the optical industry carbon footprint is complex. The waste used by the sector includes different materials such as glass, plastics and metals as well as water used during the manufacturing process .

Ocuco has chosen this specific initiative to help reduce Ireland’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per capita and improve the country’s ranking on the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2021. According to the latest ranking edition, Ireland is one of the worst performing countries in the European Union in relation to GHG emissions .

Ocuco’s latest action plan is to avert their carbon footprint globally.

Over the last 26 years, Ocuco has been developing products, that not only boost efficiencies across optical practices, but that also reduce their carbon footprint. Ocuco’s range of software products enables electronic; patient records, ordering and benefit submissions reducing a practice’s dependency on paper.

Its products also provide automated electronic communication solutions such as email and SMS patient reminders. In addition, Ocuco promotes the hosted version of its PMS and LMS products, condensing the need an optical business has for excessive hardware.

Currently, all of Ocuco’s offices actively promote a paperless work environment by reducing the reliance on paper and encouraging recycling. In addition, they continuously raise awareness of environmental issues internally. Pioneer Campaign

Ocuco is among the pioneer organisations in the Irish market to join the drive; other members range from early-stage start-ups to large multinationals. This initiative is the flagship campaign of the Forestry Partners enterprise, launched in 2019. Its goal is to help businesses in the technology sector recognise their responsibility for their emissions and to offset their CO₂ by committing to join the campaign to fund woodland creation. also aligns with seven of the UN Sustainable Development


Founder of the social enterprise, John Beckett, emphasises the importance of the business community coming together to tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis: “We are delighted to welcome Ocuco as a member of our not-for-profit initiative.

We would encourage other companies to follow their lead, do everything possible to reduce their carbon footprint, and work with us to offset the balance through the planting and restoration of native Irish woodlands that will not only act as a national carbon sink but also as vital habitats for a variety of endangered species.”

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