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NOC face to face meeting returns this year

NOC face to face returns this year

LOCSU confirm that the NOC will be returning as a face-to-face event in Leeds on 10-12 October.

The past two years have seen the NOC held as a virtual event due to the pandemic.

Chief Executive Richard Whittington said:

“The NOC in October will be a great opportunity for all LOCs to come together for a combination of workshops, keynote speaker and networking after the recent virtual events. The new venue and return to a longer format will give space to debate and discuss issues such as NHS reform as well as to share ideas, views, and best practice.”

We’ll be bringing you details of the sessions soon so keep an eye out for dates and times on our social media channels.

The venue for the NOC will be the Queens Hotel, a 4-star hotel in the city centre where previous guests include Princess Grace of Monaco, Cary Grant, Nelson Mandela and Laurel and Hardy!

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