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New Council Members for College

College welcomes new Council members at AGM

The College of Optometrists welcomed two new Council members at its AGM, held at Aston University, on 6 June.

The new Council members are: Hamza Mussa MCOptom, representing the West Midlands and Ian White MCOptom representing the North West.

College President, Professor Leon Davies FCOptom, said: “I would like to offer a warm welcome to our new Council members. The College Council sets the strategic and professional direction of the College and ensures that that we remain true to our principles and accountable to our members. This makes it so important that we have ambassadors who are actively engaged in the College and rooted in the profession. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank our outgoing Council members for their very valuable work helping to shape the future direction of the College and the profession.”

The election process also saw seven Council members retain their seats, they are:

  • Hassnain Safdar MCOptom, East Midlands
  • Meera Shah MCOptom, London
  • Prof Kathryn Saunders FCOptom, Northern Ireland
  • Dr Laura E Sweeney MCOptom, Scotland
  • Lucy Blown MCOptom, South East
  • Stephen Clark MCOptom, Yorks & Humber
  • Barbara Watson FCOptom, Yorks and Humber

Re-elected Council member Meera Shah MCOptom said: “I am delighted to be re-elected to Council to represent optometrists in the London area. I see my role as being the clinical conscience and voice to represent clinicians working and living in London at a time when our profession is adapting to changes in education, workforce and new technologies. I look forward to continuing to work with the team at the College of Optometrists and the other Council members to support the future of our profession.”

Also at the AGM, it was announced that Prof Kathryn Saunders FCOptom was elected as a Trustee. Dr Irene Ctori FCOptom was elected as Chair of the Education & Standards Committee. Nkosi Yearwood MCOptom and Eleanor Thomas MCOptom were co-opted to fill vacancies on the Council in the Wales Region. Dr Mary-Ann Sherratt MCOptom and Andrew Kitchen were co-opted to the Board of Trustees.

Members can find out more about their regional Council member on the College website:

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