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New Bisphera TBA Phoenix: the result of the 15 years long Mei experience

New Bisphera TBA Phoenix: the result of the 15 years long Mei experience in the lens edging industry




BispheraTBA Phoenix is the new MEI lens edger perfect for any kind of small and big lab, offering excellent throughput, great flexibility, and best-in-class quality control capability, unique features in the overall edging machinery scenario.


This machine represents the result of the 15 years long MEI experience developing edging machines for optical labs. The first version of this lens edger, born in 2006, became an icon of the optical industry, and it is still highly considered today. For this reason, the company decided to renew it and the name BispheraTBA Phoenix has been chosen, which represents the intention to revive the original project and keep those features that made it successful worldwide.


The machine is completely updated in the exterior design, mechanical structure, and user interface. The footprint remained the same, but the active parts and the mainframe have been redesigned.


This new machine provides excellent throughput, and with the tool changing system that allows adding tools with special profiles, provides the flexibility needed for the special jobs and engraving features.




The excellent throughput of the new BispheraTBA Phoenix, improved than on the previous version, is based on two original MEI concepts. The winning system of two edging heads cutting two lenses at the same time has been improved with a second spindle on each head. With the MEI concept of double arms manipulator, all loading and unloading operations take place while the edging is in progress without affecting the machine throughput.




In order to offer you great flexibility, the left and right edging heads of the new BispheraTBA Phoenix are now totally independent, to be able to cut in parallel also jobs having the two lens shapes really different or to mark disparate logos on the lens with the engraving tools.

The classic Bisphera tool changing system that allows adding tools with special profiles, provides the flexibility needed for the special jobs and engraving features.




The machine performs all needed quality inspection tasks, analyzing 100% of the production, to guarantee the MEI Total Quality Control. Before edging, the built-in inspection instruments (including a multipoint Shack-Hartmann focometer) assure the precise automatic measurement of all optical parameters. After edging, with the 4QC Inspection System, it is possible to verify lens power, centering, axis, size and circ., allowing to certify that every lens meets required specifications in terms of optical parameters and shaping processes.

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