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LOVE Eyewear AWARDS now open for entries

LOVE Eyewear AWARDS now open for entries

The deadline is getting closer and closer, don’t miss your chance to be an award winner at the #LoveEyewearAwards!

Making a submission is quick, easy and free! With the opportunity to enter 13 categories, have your shortlisted frames showcased on the 100% Catwalk, take home an award, and benefit from marketing across 100% Optical channels, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t enter!

Make a submission before Monday 4th December. Enter here.

Want to see the awards in person? Reserve your free ticket here and join the UK’s most prestigious eyewear awards on the 24th February 2024 at 100% Optical!


Tell Opchat News about your entries and if exhibiting let us know your plans for the show so we can publish in our forthcoming Preview Pages

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