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Locums: Deadline to join FODO for PI and support

Deadline for new locum applications – FODO 2024

If you are a locum and thinking about joining FODO for the first time in 2024, you will need to submit your application by 5pm on 21 December 2023.

The application for new locum members will close after 5pm and reopen on 2 January 2024.

We are implementing this new process because, in recent years, hundreds of locums have contacted us before renewal to try to join FODO after 25 December. Unfortunately, locums do not always have the insurance history they need to complete their application and cannot contact their existing provider as they are often closed. As a result of these factors beyond our control, we cannot guarantee our usual high standard of customer service during this period. We will, therefore, pause new applications from locums on 21 December and reopen the portal on 2 January.

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