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Bexley, Bromley & Greenwich CET Event

Provider: Bexley, Bromley & Greenwich LOC
Location: TBC
Further details: a CET event in conjunction with the Brain Tumour Charity on Wednesday 21st July, starting at 7pm. The lecture will discuss how optical professionals can better recognise papilloedeama, share tips on how to distinguish papilloedeama from pseudopapilloedema and provide advice on non-referral management strategies for patients presenting with papilloedeama.
Who should attend: All interested
Start Date :21/07/2021
Start Time :19:00
End Date : 21/07/2021
End Time :21:00
Duration:2 hours+
Event Type: Training
Region: London
Std CET Points:
CL CET Points:
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Eros Business Consulting
GRAFTON Optical Equipment Suppliers