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Let’s enjoy real contact again at SILMO Paris 2021!

Let’s enjoy real contact again at SILMO Paris 2021!



SILMO 2021

Join us at SILMO Paris, at Paris Nord Villepinte, 24 to 27 September 2021.

Opchat News is looking forward to being at this year’s SILMO 2021 in September and we will be featruing UK suppliers who are also hoping to showcase their goods at the show.

Amélie Morel, Chairwoman of SILMO Paris sent this message to us:

Last Thursday, the French government announced a plan to progressively release the country’s lock-down measures. This officially confirms what we have been anticipating: that trade fairs, conferences and exhibitions will be able to open. Beginning on June 30th, there will be no maximal capacity for such events, as long as the health measures still in force are observed.

The benefits of worldwide vaccination campaigns and their widespread acceleration, the loosening of international travel conditions, the establishment of a European health pass, and the obvious eagerness of professionals to reunite enable us today to confirm that Silmo Paris 2021 will take place.

“After two years without any major international assemblies, the reunion of optical and eyewear industry professionals will only be more intense, I’m sure. The whole team of SILMO Paris is hard at work to prepare this recovery edition, and we are looking forward to seeing you! We can’t wait to amaze you once again with the talent of these enthusiastic professionals. We can’t wait to enjoy the delight of discovery, the opportunity for encounters and the conviviality of discussions. It is clear that all the technology in the world will never replace the power and emotion of a physical event…”

So join us from September 24th to 27th at SILMO Paris to rediscover the fulfilment of real-life encounters, and to experience an edition filled with humanised business, creative interactions and positive energies.

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