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Large numbers of CPD points at The Year of the Tear 3-day event

The ISD-DE 3-day course is all about Watery and Dry Eye and 31 CPD points

The ISD-DE Update Course (May 29th) is bookable as one part and the Scientific Meeting as the second part of the three day course. In the meeting titled by the ISD-DE as the “2024 Year of the Tear”

A large number of CPD points are available

Navneet Gupta´s Thea Workshops, have 3 points for Optometrists and CL Opticians on each day 30th and 31st May.

Scientific Meeting 30 and 31 may

Thursday and Friday applying 20 NOW 25 points, I will know by this time in 6 days

Includes: Navneet Gupta who has already got his points approved from GOC


  1. TLC for OSD: Tears & Lid Care!
  2. Ocular Surface – Not Just a Dry Eye Thing

Both are approved for 3 GOC CPD points for Optometrists and Contact Lens Opticians.


Wednesday morning 3 points

Wednesday afternoon 3 points

Update course = TOTAL 6 points

Recent news now brings a 3 day total of 31 CPD Points 

There is an extensive social program allowing opportunities to network with fellow colleagues, speakers and experts in the field of Dry Eye Treatments 

Free Reception on Day 1

Date and Time: Wednesday 29th May 18:00 – 20:00hrs
Location: Thames Suite, 4th Floor, County Hall
Cost: Free included with Course and Scientific Meeting Ticket
Registration: Essential for admission

Click here to register

Gala Dinner Registration

Date and Time: Thursday 30th May 19:00 – 22:00hrs
 Oxo Tower Restaurant, Barge House Street, London SE1 9PH
Cost: £135 for one Gala Dinner Ticket, £155 for any Gala Dinner Additional Tickets, more info here
Registration: Pre-Paid admission only

Take a look at the programme here




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