Keratoconus treatments under discussion in new webinar

The management of keratoconus and the treatment options available to control its progression will be discussed at the next BCLA webinar.
Delivered by Daddi Fadel and Barry Eiden, the Menicon-sponsored webinar will look at ways of optimising the vision of keratoconic patients.
The session, entitled ‘Management of Keratoconus: What have we learned and how has our practice changed?’ will be held from 6.30pm on Wednesday, 30 November.
Contact lens specialist Daddi Fadel said: “The development in technology has allowed for early recognition and a more accurate diagnosis of keratoconus. In turn, this has led to the detection of an increasingly higher incidence and prevalence of keratoconus.
“The early detection of the disease is crucial for controlling its progression and determining treatment options, which have shown to increase quality of life in keratoconic patients. Contemporary advancements in contact lens designs and materials have expanded the options available to treat keratoconus and provide maximum visual performance.
“This session will discuss the comprehensive management of keratoconus and the treatment options available to both control the progression of the disease and to optimise vision.”
Daddi Fadel is a Fellow of the BCLA, the Scleral Lens Education Society, American Academy of Optometry, and the International Association of Contact Lens Educators. She is the Founder and head of the European School of Scleral Lenses (EUROSCOLE), Founder and Past President of Accademia Italiana Lenti Sclerali (AILeS) and co-founder and President of Euro & Austral-Asia Scleral Lens Academy (EASLA).
Barry Eiden is medical director of North Suburban Vision Consultants Ltd, a multi-specialty group practice. He is president and founder of the International Keratoconus Academy of Eye Care Professionals.
The session is open to all but CPD points are available to BCLA members only. BCLA Members will receive a CPD certificate via email within 10 days of the webinar taking place.
To register for the session, or to sign up to become a BCLA member, visit