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How will primary care networks work with ICSs in England, a task for Claire Fuller to advise

How will primary care networks work with ICSs in England, a task for Claire Fuller to advise

November 2021

NHS England chief executive Amanda Pritchard has asked Dr Claire Fuller of the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System (ICS) to set out how systems can accelerate the implementation of the NHS Long Term Plan’s primary care, out of hospital care and prevention ambitions and drive more integrated primary, community and social care services at a local level.

The work will examine how primary care is embedded at the heart of ICSs’ development before becoming statutory organisations in April 2022. Dr Fuller said: “Our primary care networks are perfectly placed within communities to bring together the right partners to tackle ‘wider determinants of health’.

She will describe the next steps by March 2022. Perhaps then we will know how much involvement on the ICS will have as delegates.