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GOC searches for new Chief Executive

GOC searches for new Chief Executive

The General Optical Council (GOC) has begun its search for a new Chief Executive (CEO) and Registrar to succeed Lesley Longstone.

The new CEO and Registrar will play a central role in driving the future direction of the GOC, ensuring that patient safety is at the heart of its work and continuing to deliver its ‘Fit for the Future’ strategic plan which runs to 31 March 2025.

Major priorities will include:

• Delivery of the GOC’s five-year strategic plan ‘Fit for the Future’;
• The implementation of reforms to our pre and post registration education systems, a unique opportunity to modernise and strengthen the standards and requirements for admission to the GOC register as well as continuing professional development requirements;
• Progressing the review of the organisational structure to best meet future needs;
• Continuing to ensure that the GOC meets all the standards set by its oversight regulator the Professional Standards Authority.

The new CEO and Registrar will replace Lesley Longstone who will be stepping down toward the end of the year.

Dr Anne Wright CBE, GOC Chair of Council, said: “We are proud of the many achievements we have delivered over recent years, but never has our role in protecting the public and upholding standards been more critical.

On behalf of the GOC I would like to thank Lesley for the outstanding leadership she has shown since joining the GOC in 2018.

It will be important that the new CEO and Registrar is collaborative with the ability to work constructively with key partners across the regulatory and wider stakeholder landscape. An impressive track record of change management, relationship building and leading quality improvement in a complex organisation will be essential.

If you welcome the challenge of leading optical regulation at this time, we would be delighted to hear from you.”

The recruitment process is being led by Moloney Search. To apply, candidates will have to submit their CV, a statement of no more than two sides of A4 indicating how they meet the person specification, and a diversity monitoring form, to Candidates will have until 23:55 on 12 September 2021 to apply.

For more information on the role and how to apply, please email Moloney Search at for a Candidate Pack.