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GOC appoints ten new members to Hearings Panel

GOC appoints ten new members to Hearings Panel

The General Optical Council (GOC) has appointed ten new members to its Hearings Panel.

They will bring a wealth of experience as dispensing or contact opticians to the Hearings Panel, which has over 40 members, including optometrists, dispensing or contact lens opticians, and lay (non-registrant) members.

The appointees will sit on the GOC’s Fitness to Practise (FtP) and Registration Appeals Committees. Both committees, and those sitting on them, play a vital role in helping us uphold high standards in the optical professions as the we continue in our mission of public protection.

The appointees will work to determine allegations relating to the fitness to practise of registered optometrists and dispensing opticians, the fitness of student registrants to undertake training as an optometrist or dispensing optician, and the fitness of business registrants to carry on business as optometrists, dispensing opticians, or both. Their varied and extensive experiences will ensure they bring practical insight and guidance to the Panel’s work.

The new Hearings Panel members begin their term on 1 September 2023.


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