. The annual report 2021 and statement of accounts were presented to the meeting and approved by members.
The AGM returned to its May schedule following two years when it was held later in the year owing to Covid. For the first time, directors and members from FODO, FODO Ireland, and NCHA attended the meeting held virtually.
Retiring FODO Chair Lynda Oliver (left) introduced the annual report, sharing some of the key lessons from the past year and thanking members for their ongoing engagement and support. Lynda said: “The strength of FODO lies in its wide membership and members’ active input at all levels.”
Lynda also said the FODO Group, members and the eye and hearing care sectors’ ingenuity, commitment to patients and resolve had kept services running for patients. She said we “emerge stronger than ever” from the pandemic and with the crucial roles we play in healthcare more recognised than ever.

Sarah Joyce was unanimously elected chair following Lynda’s outstanding seven years in office, including seeing FODO through a major reorganisation and transformation into its new Group structure. Lynda was re-elected to the Board as a non-executive director and Peena Govind was elected as a new non-executive director.
Sarah said: “Lynda is a tough act to follow but I give you my commitment that I will do my best for the FODO Group, our members from five nations, many disciplines and care models and, of course, for our patients.”
Read the annual report.
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