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Essilor releases new CET

Essilor releases new CET

Essilor Academy

Essilor Ltd has released new educational content on its E-Academy platform with just over two months to go before the end of the three-year CET cycle.

The new module will look at how it is now possible to develop new refraction techniques, thanks to phoropters with continuous power changes.

The site hosts 35 modules in total and to date has had 12,217 successfully completed CET modules logged.

Dr. Andy Hepworth, professional relations manager at Essilor Ltd, said: “We have just over three thousand ECPs signed up and using the E-Academy as a resource. If anyone still needs additional points, then it’s not too late to sign up and access extra opportunities to gain points across a wide range of competencies.

“Over the course of the cycle, the site has been updated regularly with free educational content for all eye care professionals including articles, videos and clinical case studies and hosts many hours of CET content covering numerous competencies and topics.

“We launched the site back in 2019 to support registered optical practitioners and we’re delighted with the number of ECPs using the site as a resource for CET points.

“With CET requirement changing into CPD from January 2022, we’ll ensure the E-Academy will continue to supply ever enhanced content.”


Subjective Refraction: Part 1A New Vectorial Method for Determining the Cylinder

The refraction technique traditionally used to determine the corrective cylinder for a prescription has changed very little over the years, mainly due to the limitations imposed by subjective phoropters, which present lenses in increments usually no smaller than 0.25D.

Today, thanks to phoropters with continuous power changes that simultaneously and accurately act on sphere, cylinder and axis, it is now possible to develop new refraction techniques.


A Low Vision Magnification Breakthrough

For people suffering from low vision today, it often takes tenacity and perseverance to find an optical solution that allows them to optimise their remaining sight. Meg Zatorski knows this only too well. Afflicted with Stargardt disease (a common form of inherited juvenile macular degeneration), she spent a decade trying to obtain powerful enough high plus lenses to enable her to regain the ability to read. Essilor’s Stanislas Poussin and Anne-Catherine Scherlen recount how her challenge was met and what needs to be done so others like her can benefit from a solution that meets their visual needs.

First things first

Communication between practitioner and patient is essential for successful outcomes. Addressing the barriers that exist and practising a few simple techniques can greatly enhance the success of this communication without increasing the time burden leading to happier patients and increased job satisfaction for practitioners.

This article will review the strengths and weaknesses of various consultation models and detail the barriers to communication present at different stages of the patient consultation. Alternative strategies and approaches to overcoming these communication barriers will also be discussed.


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