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Day three of National Eye Health Week 2023. 

Day three of National Eye Health Week 2023.

Wednesday’s theme is all about Digital Eye Care…


There is wide-spread coverage of the new (excuse the pun!) A’EYE’ system developed by Moorfields Eye Hospital and the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology which uses retinal imaging to detect sight-threatening illnesses, and predict a person’s risk of conditions such as Parkinson’s, heart disease & stroke.

Digital technology is advancing rapidly and screen use is an ever increasing part of daily life, so it’s important we’re all aware of the impact this can have on our eye health and the simple steps we can take to minimise the effects.

Wednesday’s theme is all about Digital Eye Care…



Simply following five simple rules can help banish screen fatigue for good!

Switch off before bed
Meaure the distance betwen your eyes and the screen
Adjust your worksation and screen settings
Refresh your eyes by conciously blinking
Take a break.

Click the button below to download our Screen SMART Blog for more info.

NEHW 2023

Click the Here  to download this brand new resource.


clinical Briefings