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CQC Consultation on changes for more flexible and responsive regulation

CQC Consultation on changes for more flexible and responsive regulation

Following on from the consultation on the CQC’s new strategy and ambitions launched earlier in January, they’re proposing some specific changes that will enable them to deal with ongoing challenges from the pandemic and move them towards their ambition to be a more dynamic, proportionate and flexible regulator.

They say:

Our inspection reports and ratings give a view of quality that’s vital for the public, service providers and stakeholders. In this second consultation we are proposing some changes to allow us to assess and rate services more flexibly, so we can update our ratings more often in a more responsive and proportionate way. The changes will make ratings easier to understand for everyone.

In the consultation document, we also set out how we’ll engage with all our stakeholders in the future when we make changes to the way we regulate.

This consultation will close at 5.00pm on Tuesday 23 March 2021.

We’re making changes so that we can regulate in a more flexible and responsive way.

Tell us what you think

You can also feedback through our digital engagement platform, Citizenlab.

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