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Advice for optical businesses and practitioners to reduce risk

AOP releases advice for optical businesses and practitioners to reduce risk in practice 

The Association of Optometrists (AOP) has released new practical advice for businesses and individual practitioners to reduce risk in optical practice.

The advice, which is available to AOP members, is designed to support businesses and practitioners to deliver high standards of care for patients and meet the GOC’s standards for protecting patients and the public.

Dr Peter Hampson, AOP Clinical Director, explains the advice and how it will help optical practice teams: “Individual practitioners are responsible for their own professional standards, but the circumstances in which they work, and practice culture, can make a very big difference to their ability to do a good job. This advice is designed to set out practical steps to avoid the common pitfalls, such as pressures on time and attention, that can lead to clinical mistakes and risks to patients.

“The key focus for all employers should be on creating a work environment that enables practitioners to do their jobs as well and as safely as possible for the benefit of all patients.”

Released as a series of online webpages and covering key topics, Managing risk in practice provides clear practical steps for employers and individual practitioners including:

For employers:

  • Minimising potential risks for patients in practice
  • How to organise the practice diary so that every patient gets the time they need
  • Tips for ensuring that patients are followed up when it’s needed
  • Appropriate delegation and the safeguards you need to have in place
  • The rights and wrongs of commercial incentives in pay

For individual practitioners: 

  • Your duties and what you have a right to expect as an employee
  • Advice for locums on protecting patients and yourself
  • Understanding your responsibilities and assessing risks as a pre-registration optometrist and as a supervisor
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